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World Standards Day 2022: Shared visions for a better world


The 2022 World Standards Day celebration was held in Beijing. Dr. Tian Shihong, Vice-Minister of State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and Administrator of Standardization Administration of China (SAC) addressed the event, and Dr. Shu Yinbiao , President of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), was invited to attend the meeting and delivered a speech.

Dr. Shu Yinbiao said that China has always been an important participant and contributor to IEC. The IEC Promotion Center (Nanjing), established in August this year, will deepen exchanges and cooperation with international standardization organizations, and further promote green and low-carbon development. He encouraged Chinese experts to participate in IEC international standardization activities with a more active attitude, contribute Chinese wisdom to the governance and improvement of international standardization, and jointly build an international standard system that supports sustainable development and human well-being.