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Action Plan for Implementing the National Standardization Development Outline Released


Approved by the State Council, the Action Plan for Implementing the National Standardization Development Outline was jointly released by the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and other 15 national departments on July 6, 2022. It consists of 33 articles, and provides specific requirements for relevant departments and local governments across the country.

The Action Plan was formulated to implement the Outline, defines the key tasks by the end of 2023, push ahead the tasks in an orderly manner, and better exert the fundamental and guiding role of standardization in driving the modernization of national governance system and governance capability.

Closely following the overall deployment of standardization development in the 14th Five-year Plan period (2021-2025) in the Outline, the Action Plan is composed of three sections corresponding to the structure of the Outline. 

The first section, composed of 21 articles, focuses on the subject that standardization serves the high-quality economic and social development. The second section, from the 22nd article to the 30th article, focuses on the development of standardization. The third section consists of three articles talking about improving incentive policies, strengthening supervision and inspection, and enhancing publicity and guidance. 

Local governments and related departments are required to attach great importance to the Action Plan and put the tasks in the Outline and the Action Plan high on the agenda. The office for the Inter-Ministerial Conference on Standardization Coordination and Promotion of the State Council will make great efforts to strengthen the guidance, supervision and inspection of relevant work, and further consolidate the consensus of the whole society to ensure that all work and tasks are put in place .